(Technically) the last day of way too many years of formal education

I am truly terrible at keeping blogging promises. Just checked the date of my last post and it was almost 2 years ago?! & 2 very eventful years indeed, considering how I feel like a very different person now than I was before.

August 2013: Before my life-changing exchange programme in Beijing, China where I learnt that I’m a lot more independent than I thought I was. 2014, post-exchange blues and a mentally challenging period of stress and uncertainty – my grades for that semester clearly reflected the inner turmoil going on during that time. It got really bad to the point that I considered seeking professional help, but thankfully managed to pull through and emerged as a stronger and wiser person than before.

Summer 2014: My first serious internship experience where I was blessed with the chance to work with a couple of interns that remain good friends today. And the semester after that, acting hero again by taking on an internship and exco position for a college event just because I had a 2-day work week in my final year. I can safely say that I’ve never been so mentally and physically exhausted in my 22 years of existence until that semester, especially in the middle of it when all the deadlines started rolling in, even broke down from stress a couple of times because everything was so overwhelming and I had overstretched myself. Made it through the entire ordeal with a firm commitment to ENJOY my final semester and be more selective in the commitments that I undertake.

Spring 2015: The beginning of the end – my final semester as an undergraduate at NUS. It’s funny how we keep saying “time flies” every now and then, and when the time really comes, it hits you like a jackhammer. I’m proud to say that I stuck with my commitment to take it easy this semester and had the time to enjoy some truly lazy days – lazing around at home in my PJs all day. Of course, the extra time came in handy to do some serious job hunting and applications, and after round after gruelling round of interviews, I’ve cinched a “backup” position but am still waiting for my #1 choice to get back to me – probably mid-way through my graduation trip to say the least. Hopefully, it will be an affirmative answer and make my graduation trip all the more memorable. But as with every other thing in my life, I try to keep my expectations as low as possible – after all, no expectations = no disappointment. And god knows how hard I take setbacks and how long I take to get back up. (Note to self: work on this! you need to bounce back like a rubber ball!) Also, my not-so-stellar module planning meant that week 11-13 of the semester was truly HELL WEEK for me with back-to-back deadlines that the inner procrastinator in me left to the very last minute. Of course, it didn’t help that I fell back into the KPOP bandwagon re-watching YG’s reality survival program for their newest idol groups and one simply does not stop after starting. It’s a consummate black hole indeed. As with all the storms I’ve had the misfortune to meet in life, I managed to weather through that as well with a tad too much last minute writing – think writing up till minutes before the deadline – and BS, truckloads of it. Somehow, the lack of excessive stress this semester meant that even my last-minute work wasn’t too shabby and I think I might be able to maintain, if not slightly nudge up, my precariously-perched on the ledge CAP. Also had the privilege of taking my final UE under Yale-NUS – Contemporary Social Theory. Very fluffy but plenty of mindf*ckery as well. And a professor with a perchant for creative assignments that I thoroughly enjoyed writing (NOW THAT’S A FIRST!) and reignited fantasies of how I should have studied harder for A levels to have entered an ivy-league college in the US. But oh well, it’s time to graduate and perhaps I’ll work towards that fantasy in the form of a Master’s degree – hopefully sponsored by whichever organization decides to take me up.

And now, 3 May 2015 – technically the last day of my formal education since my last exam paper will be tomorrow evening (I do have my final assignment for Yale-NUS due in 2 days but I’m delegating the day after tomorrow to be a writing frenzy in between last minute packing for my graduation trip. It’s been more of a curse to have such a long break between my papers since I’ve been nothing but unproductive during that time – spending wayyyy too much time researching on places to go and things to do during my trip rather than getting actual revision and work done. In fact, I’m still procrastinating now with this blogpost but come on, a trip down memory was much needed before I forget – and considering how I lost my exchange journal when my hard drive died on me last year, I need to squeeze out everything from what little brain cells weren’t damaged from excessive pollution and alcohol in Beijing.

So even though my long-awaited adventure to Seoul (since 2007, when I first delved into KPOP) is in less than 3 days, I can’t even muster up the energy to be excited for it because these two academic obstacles are simply weighing me down. Of course, all will change once I actually board the plane – maybe slightly weighed down by the part-time writing position I currently hold (okay, so I didn’t manage to shake off as much of the workaholic bug as I would have liked) and the report summaries I need to help my mom to do in exchange for all the goodies she’s buying for me from her business trip – but for now, the near future is still bleak and boring.

Life is sure going to be very different after this month and I’m equal parts excited, equal parts apprehensive about what the future will bring. But one thing’s for sure, I’ll have the strength to make it through. After all, I’ve made it this far haven’t I?

Till next time,


Long absence explained! (Kind of)

Firstly, a million apologies for having been away for so long. Obviously I only blog under great duress and stress, which is why there were daily updates during the finals period last semester, and in times of joy and fun, blogging is the last thing on my mind.

Well, to be honest, the priority of things have gotten somewhat messed up in the past couple of months. For the first time in my life, I’ve been keeping myself actively busy during the summer holidays. Instead of 3 months of vegetation and bumming around at home, I’ve been organizing events, attending workshops and night classes, cramming for exams (and regretting signing up for them. WHY ACT HERO?!) and interning. While I enjoyed most of it, read SMUN and my internship, definitely NOT the studying (there was maths involved!), I have to admit that I wasn’t even half as busy even during the school semester! Considering how I even had time to go to the gym and attend zumba lessons regularly, I haven’t been this sleep-deprived for a really long time. And sleep is what my life revolves around so that’s saying something.

In fact, as I am typing this, I’m currently at my workplace and obviously, taking a break from /drumroll please, writing! And some amateur photo editing but let’s not go there. I think I’ve really found what I love to do in life: writing stuff in my silly and lackadaisical style (yes, I’m a carelessly lazy writer, can’t be arsed to proofread my own stuff half the time so my writing is usually sprinkled with some misspelling here and bad grammar there

Lana Del Rey is strangely therapeutic. While I usually am not a fan of her type of mellow indie music, on the (rare) occasion that I’m feeling rather maudlin, it does cheer me up a little. Or rather, as I mouth along to the “Take a walk on the wild side, let me kiss you hard in the pouring rain” and gently sway along with the mournful tune (like an idiot, I’m aware of that), something inside me feels a teeny bit better. Oh well /shrugs, that’s the beauty of music ain’t it?

Anyhow, part of the reason why I’ve been away for so long is also because the blog that I’ve to update is also hosted on wordpress, and being the tech noob I am, cannot for the life of me figure out how to open my dashboard simultaneously without combining both the blogs together! Of course, I could always just log out and log in as and when I need to, but you know me (LAZY!) so that’s not going to happen until I end work this Friday. (Whee~)

I find that I do actually miss keeping a diary/blogging because it helps me to verbalize most of the million and one things that are haphazardly dashing through my mind at any point in time, much like air molecules. I’m also a bit of a worry wart, okay a LOT, so I like to do regular reviews of my life and what I’ve done, analyzing whether my behavior was appropriate, how could I have done something better etc etc. Yes, natural worry wart here!


This post was edited in a word document so there was a good time lag of about a week before I decided to upload it here onto wordpress, having reinstated my account from the wilderness. As I’m typing this, I’m officially a free person and spent my first real relaxing summer holiday going for a facial and then, meeting an acquaintance from Shanghai for lunch/dinner at Old Airport Road before she flies home to Shanghai on Wednesday.

I was also incredibly lucky to chance upon the library at Chinatown, which is probably one of the most intricately decorated libraries in Sg AND had a well-curated selection on books related to China and Chinese. Just in time for my SEP! Borrowed two huge and heavy tomes whilst waiting for my friend and then, we had a good selection of local delights and an equally insightful conversation. It felt like I was hosting an overseas client (like what daddy does pretty often) but of course, on a much more informal and carefree setting and I loved hearing all about life in another country and how there are certain parallels between the World’s number 2 and our tiny island off the Malaysian Archipelago. And now, I’ve a place to visit in Shanghai and Jiangsu during the break in the semester~ Looking forward to more of these kinds of experiences in Beijing. Although I’m kinda bummed that I didn’t apply for NOC so that I can spend a year there and truly soak in the sights and sounds of the country.

Tomorrow however is going to be a day of rest and relaxation spent entirely at home, well mostly, and tying up loose ends + prepping for the upcoming trip. To be completely honest, it hasn’t really sunk in yet so I’m still quite calm about it but I’m sure I’m gonna turn into a crazy mess closer to our departure date. Eeks!

And now, I will retire for bed to truly enjoy a good break tomorrow. I will attempt to update this as much as I can so, till next time,




Back again

Yes, the title says it all. 

The last time I updated feels like eons ago because so many things have came and went after that. Alright actually only one thing, and that is the event which I had been slaving over for the month after finals ended and for the entire week of the event, I basically did not have a life. Whether it was doing last minute editing or updating the facebook page or miscellaneous errands in between, I was super busy rushing around getting things done and squeezing in my FP courses at the same time. Most hectic period of my life thus far, but also the most satisfying. Not only did I learn so many new things (how to use iMovie, engage people on social media etc), I also learnt about people.

Yes, I’m one of those people who really dislike working in a team if possible because annoying people piss the hell out of me and I try not to hang around with things I don’t like. Life is short enough as it is and there’s honestly no need to make it any worse by spending time with things that you rather avoid. That said, working in a team is a “must” in almost every single social setting, unless you’re a monk seeking Nirvana and the great beyond in a mountain cave somewhere, and is thus a necessary evil that we all have to endure. Sigh. 

And with every event/project, working with many people at a time also means having the misfortune of having an idiot on the team. So it was a pretty interesting week to say the least, discovering all the ways human beings can possibly act in the face of stress and prepubescent kids, and figuring out how to best deal with people to get things done your way. (Machiavelli much?) 

Luckily for me (and my blood pressure levels), those dog days are long gone and my body has not been adjusting very well to the lack of work/stress. It seems like that crazy week from hell has conditioned my body to stay in hyper-alert and workaholic-mode (a rare feat!) such as the lack of stimulus has made me incredibly restless and then, dead lazy. (Read restless: stuffing my face with anything within 3m that’s edible) The past few days have been spent prone on surface to surface (e.g. bed to sofa to yoga mat) in the house and super unproductive because life of the jobless is unsuitable for me. Thus, I decided to get my arse off all surfaces and apply for an internship before it becomes permanently stuck onto something. 

Unfortunately, most internships related to my major have been snapped up like McDonald’s Hello Kitty Toys (I STILL DO NOT GET THE HYPE OVER THESE OVER-PRICED MOUTHLESS DOLLS!) and thus, I decided to look towards internsg after having been directed there by a girl I met at a mentorship session. Somehow, I landed myself with 2 job interviews with somewhat similar job scopes, but then realised that they are both business associates! What is life?! That said, one of them is very beauty-related so I’m incredibly excited about that even though it will probably have nothing to do with my future career, it’ll still be something fun to do in summer! After all, if you love your work, then it’s not really work is it? So fingers-crossed that I’ll at least land one of those internships tomorrow! 

Speaking of tomorrow, it’s going to be a ridiculously long day spent travelling around Singapore for various engagements but hopefully super fun at the same time! Also, the haze has been ridiculously bad recently, even hitting hazardous levels of PSI 371 and inevitably, prompting a lot of nasty backlash on social media. I can only say this:”Some people shouldn’t even be allowed on the internet.” and “Please don’t use ignorance as an excuse for idiocy.” Okay, I do actually have a lot of words to say about this but let’s not go there. The silver lining however, is that I’m using this as an excuse to not exercise, good for my inner fatty but tragedy for my ever-expanding belly. 

Enough said, I have laundry waiting to be done and sleep beckons because I’ve another early start tomorrow morning (woe is me!) so I’ll end this update here and hopefully, be back soon enough for another one!

Till next time,


Calorie-crunching in Penang

Finally on the first vacation of a long and busy year, I’m in Penang for the first time of my life! Alright that previous sentence had more “firsts” than it should but that’s first-timer excitement for you. It’s actually a really short and typical vacation for the “long” weekend but with how busy I’ve been for the past few months, any break of any kind is a well-deserved break! It doesn’t help that I’ve an event on right the day after we get home so life goes back to “busy”-ness but a breather is a breather~ That said, we missed the Sg opening for “The Hangover 3” which I’m so excited to watch but gonna catch it the MINUTE we reach Sg. Okay maybe the week after but you get the point. 

Today is the last full day we have in Penang and we’re back in the hotel for a quick break before heading out again later because it’s been a ridiculously hot day with too much walking in the sun. And knowing me, I have no shame when it’s hot hot hot so I looked really stupid trying to beat the heat with my sweater over my head like a mini-tent. But as the saying goes, “if it works, it ain’t stupid!” And I had ice cream 3 times today without realizing it AND way too many meals but that’s the life in Penang! Street food all day, everyday! Thank goodness it’s a really short trip or I may actually get a heart attack.

So because I feel so incredibly guilty over my food intake for the past 2 days, I’m gonna try to squeeze in a short gym session before we head out again later, hopefully to an air-conditioned place for lunch! 

Not sure when the next update will be incoming because I’m gonna be busy as hell for the next week so we’ll see how it goes 😉

Till next time,


Life of the technologically-impaired

Please hold, we are experiencing technical difficulties. Damn straight. My baby (a video that I’ve been working on for weeks and have dedicated close to 30 hours to) is not opening on iMovie, and if you’ve ever worked with iMovie, then you know that it’s notoriously difficult to save a copy outside of the program (or maybe it is possible and I’m just unaware of it as is the case with many things). I am close to killing someone, obviously not my precious semi-new computer, from frustration and because my IT knowledge is borderline-zero, the only recourse I can do is to google for the solution. 

Which is always reassuring because there’s always some idiot out there who has the same question as you and there are always kind souls nice enough to point us to the right way. In the unfortunate circumstance where no one else has asked the question that’s currently ruining your life, you can proceed to laugh at all the other stupid questions that have been asked and console yourself with the fact that you’re not that dumb e.g. if my eyelash gets stuck to my eyelid, will it travel to the back of my eye and into my brain? (Some people should not even be allowed on the internet. Google is a privilege, not a right! LOLJK)

That said, the best response I have so far is that my file is corrupted and I should trash it when iMovie is not running. Wait what, trash  the product of my blood, sweat and tears? Let me trash you first! (Okay, getting a little personal here…) 

And as usual, whenever my life is down in the dumps, I come running to the only person who will listen, my blog. (LOLJK again, I think…) To think that just yesterday, my mom tried to convince me to work at the next IT show selling gadgets because apparently her colleague’s son earned $300-400 in 4 days.

“You want to know more about this product? Well mam, I’m just as clueless as you are. So let me give you some advice, if you like it and you know you will use it, just buy it!” 

And that’s a winning sales pitch ladies and gentlemen. Always pleased to share my expertise 🙂

So other than ranting on my personal online space, I’m fervently praying to the IT god that a miracle shall come and bless my iMovie and my video will mysteriously reappear. Or else, I may have to choke a bitch. 

In other news, life is busy as hell thanks to SMUN (mixed feelings about this) and also planning for my 21st party (which is thankfully over and I had a lot of fun!) and tomorrow I fly off to Penang to indulge in catastrophic-calorie-laden street food and hopefully, try to work them off in the gym. No joke, I have a legit belly pooch now from all the inactivity. OH THE SHAME! 

Back to trying to resolve all these techical difficulties so that I can go back to my blessed bed. 

Shall leave with a song that I have been obsessed with today, on repeat non-stop, basically the cutest song ever: 

Kinna Grannis “Valentine”: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=840NbiFF1zM&hl=en-GB&gl=SG

Till next time,

we should celebrate and appreciate~


So I lied

when I said that summer means more time and more blog updates. Actually no, I’ve been so busy running around for the past few weeks that I didn’t even have time to update my 5 year Q&A, which I need to get around to doing right after this before I forget! 

Today was one of those really long days and the hot weather has been making everything a million times worst! I felt like I’ve been perspiring the entire day. But life has been really good since the end of finals, celebrated a 21st, went to check out gardens by the bay (finally!) with amelia and lots of catching up (RAINBOW BY THE WATERFALL and PRETTY POLAROIDS!), lots of makeup (no surprises here) and of course, the inevitable errands to run! But today was really fulfilling because even though I woke up at the ungodly hour of 11am (entire morning wasted ;/), I spent the rest of the day running around to put together mom’s birthday cum mother’s day present and I’m SO FREAKING PROUD OF IT. In fact, I’m delivering it to her office tomorrow so that other people can enjoy the fruits of my labor. In reality, I JUST WANT TO SHOW IT OFF BECAUSE I TOOK SO DAMN LONG TO DO IT! Seriously, I never knew flower arrangement is so hard, kudos to all florists out there! In the end, a semi-professional looking bouquet for only $16.20, score! I actually want to go down to a huge flower place like Far East Flora to check out whether 1)the prices are cheaper (DID THE UNCLE RIP ME OFF?!) and 2)MORE FLOWERS TO PLAY WITH! This might actually become a new hobby 😉 Even though I had so much trouble trying to figure out how to keep water within the bouquet such that the flowers remained fresh and for once, google failed me 😦 And there were some hidden thorns in the roses, which gave me something to mull about while trying to arrange the damn flowers (WHY ARE THERE THORNS IN ROSES?!) because I got pricked like ouch! But mommy really loved the flowers and the card and the present (also because daddy is super unromantic and NEVER GIVES HER FLOWERS) so good to know that my hard work paid off! Tomorrow is going to be another long and busy day and Saturday will be a bro-sis day going to the Navy Open House with my bro. Been really into such things since ABTM and my International Security module (FAV MODULE OF YEAR 2) last sem so I’m really stoked! 

Alright enough rambling, I need to go to sleep soon so that I can wake up for my morning exercise which I have been missing for the past few days because my aged body has been feeling really sleep-deprived. 

Shall share one of my favourite things I’ve found on FB recently. I LOVE SARCASM so much, and after watching an episode of “The Apartment”, I think that marrying a British would be having a love-hate relationship. LOL! OH THE DRY SARCASM! 


Till next time, 



These are from a book called Disorder in the American Courts and are things people actually said in court, word for word, taken down and published by court reporters that had the torment of staying calm while the exchanges were taking place.

ATTORNEY: What gear were you in at the moment of the impact?
WITNESS: Gucci sweats and Reeboks.
ATTORNEY: Are you sexually active?
WITNESS: No, I just lie there.
ATTORNEY: What is your date of birth? 
WITNESS: July 18th. 
ATTORNEY: What year? 
WITNESS: Every year. 
ATTORNEY: How old is your son, the one living with you? 
WITNESS: Thirty-eight or thirty-five, I can’t remember which. 
ATTORNEY: How long has he lived with you? 
WITNESS: Forty-five years. 
ATTORNEY: This myasthenia gravis, does it affect your memory at all?
ATTORNEY: And in what ways does it affect your memory?
WITNESS: I forget..
ATTORNEY: You forget? Can you give us an example of something you forgot?
ATTORNEY: Now doctor, isn’t it true that when a person dies in his sleep, he doesn’t know about it until the next morning?
WITNESS: Did you actually pass the bar exam?

ATTORNEY: The youngest son, the 20-year-old, how old is he?
WITNESS: He’s 20, much like your IQ.
ATTORNEY: Were you present when your picture was taken?
WITNESS: Are you shitting me?
ATTORNEY: So the date of conception (of the baby) was August 8th?
ATTORNEY: And what were you doing at that time?
WITNESS: Getting laid

ATTORNEY: She had three children , right?
ATTORNEY: How many were boys?
ATTORNEY: Were there any girls?
WITNESS: Your Honor, I think I need a different attorney. Can I get a new attorney?
ATTORNEY: How was your first marriage terminated?
WITNESS: By death..
ATTORNEY: And by whose death was it terminated?
WITNESS: Take a guess.

ATTORNEY: Can you describe the individual?
WITNESS: He was about medium height and had a beard
ATTORNEY: Was this a male or a female?
WITNESS: Unless the Circus was in town I’m going with male.
ATTORNEY: Is your appearance here this morning pursuant to a deposition notice which I sent to your attorney?
WITNESS: No, this is how I dress when I go to work.
ATTORNEY: Doctor , how many of your autopsies have you performed on dead people?
WITNESS: All of them. The live ones put up too much of a fight.
ATTORNEY: ALL your responses MUST be oral, OK? What school did you go to?
ATTORNEY: Do you recall the time that you examined the body?
WITNESS: The autopsy started around 8:30 PM
ATTORNEY: And Mr. Denton was dead at the time?
WITNESS: If not, he was by the time I finished.
ATTORNEY: Are you qualified to give a urine sample?
WITNESS: Are you qualified to ask that question?

And last:

ATTORNEY: Doctor, before you performed the autopsy, did you check for a pulse?
ATTORNEY: Did you check for blood pressure?
ATTORNEY: Did you check for breathing?
ATTORNEY: So, then it is possible that the patient was alive when you began the autopsy?
ATTORNEY: How can you be so sure, Doctor?
WITNESS: Because his brain was sitting on my desk in a jar.
ATTORNEY: I see, but could the patient have still been alive, nevertheless?
WITNESS: Yes, it is possible that he could have been alive and practicing law.

I bring with me good tidings

except not really. Well, only for myself that is and……… finals are finally over! (pun intended and glad you noticed ;]) 

Strangely enough, I don’t feel as stoked for it as I should, or usually do. I’m usually vibrating in my seat during the last paper just waiting for the people in front to finish counting the papers dammit and yet today, as I was seated right in front (dammit), I was still thinking about the essay question in my head and whether I approached it correctly. WHAT IS LIFE?! To be exact, this is the first semester I’ve been so grade-obsessed because for once in my life, I actually worked hard at it. Well, most of the time 😉 And it didn’t help the main invigilator today was actually really good-looking, although I’m sure in his prime he looked much better, e.g. minus the pot belly. It may also have been because I still have a tonne of things to do despite it being summer such as a proposal deadline tomorrow to worry about so that’s that. 

Whatever the case, this is going to be a week of fun because it’s probably my most jam-packed week in May, so far. I’ve a full schedule for now and can’t wait to get started! So many things on my to-do list to do also but first off, I think its time to head on home and get some lunch in my belly. I’m quite tempted to treat myself and get a decadent meal but then I remember, that’s what I’ve been doing the entire 2 weeks leading up to finals. I’VE GAINED SO MUCH WEIGHT! So it’s time to start the exercise and dieting and thus, it’s fruits and veggies for me 😦 Need to go out to give tuition in the evening also since it’s my tutee’s english paper tomorrow. Exams never seem to end eh? 

So far, I’ve planned on waking up early in the morning tomorrow to attend the zumba lesson in the park every morning. Not sure if it’s gonna work out since I may end up sleeping in till 12 or something but let’s just put this out there for now.

Shall leave with a super cute site that I chanced upon and it’s hilarious if you’re a Disney fan like me! Still having Disneyland withdrawal symptoms 😦 

DISNEY COMEBACKS FOR ANY OCCASION: http://blogs.disney.com/oh-my-disney/2013/05/04/disney-comebacks-for-any-occasion/

My personal favourite: DISHONOR ON YOUR WHOLE FAMILY! 

Till next time,


You got what?!

Well, the keyword here would be fat and as much as I would vehemently deny it and avoid the weighing scale like cray-cray (I can’t even bear to step within a 1 metre radius of it for fear that it would come after me going like “come on, step on me! weigh yourself! see how much weight you’ve gained in less than 2 weeks!!!”), I have indeed gained a noticeable amount of flab around my mid-section and basically everywhere. On the plus-side, I do feel much more well-padded now and if I take any unintended tumbles, I’m pretty sure my bones are cushioned enough to not break. On the negative side, my self-esteem has taken a sky-dive.

Yes, I am a girl and yes my self-esteem is, to some extent, tied to my body mass and how I look. And it doesn’t help that I’ve gained weight and also, been having really bad skin recently on account of all the stress and lack of sleep. I have an unprecedented number of breakouts on my face and they all seem to be leaving behind hyperpigmentation, which is terrible and causing me to up my exfoliation regime (both chemical and physical). It’s a nightmare because already I’m thinking about how I’m going to lose all these excess flab away and get my skin back into somewhat manageable shape. Also, it worries me because if this is what stress does to me physically, what happens when I finally get a job and it turns out to be stressful but I can’t quite and end up looking like a mess. ALL THESE DAMN #FIRSTWORLDPROBLEMS

So when I chanced upon this blogpost on blogilates by a youtuber that I’ve been following for quite a while and did some of her fitness videos intermittently, it definitely put things into perspective for me and I’m now more positive of what I am currently, and what I need to do once my last paper ends on Monday. (Damn morning papers! Luckily it was the only morning one this semester.)

“Ashamed of gaining weight”: http://www.blogilates.com/best-of/ashamed-of-gaining-weight

It is a very real issue and so significant for us girls so I definitely recommend reading it! What I have taken away from this is that my self-worth is so much more than what I look like physically and also that HARD WORK AND CLEAN EATING IS THE KEY TO A BETTER BODY AND BETTER LIFE. 

So I’m going to be extra busy this summer with a lot of activities that I need to do but I’m also going to try to incorporate cleaner eating and a lot more exercise into my daily routine and turn it into a lifestyle that I can be proud of! Clear-cut goals coming right up! 

Of course, in the face of a much more hectic schedule, all my cells are screaming “NOOOOOOO” and “we want to procrastinate!” but I’m going to try to overcome that also because I think when we are working and being productive, that’s when you feel accomplished and good about yourself and makes life worth living! 

I have also been thinking for a couple a days and thus come to a conclusion that I need a haircut (split-ends! The other day I found a hair that had a split-end that led to another split-end – split-end-ception!) and this time, I’m going to be brave and go for bangs. It’s almost 2 years since I’ve been fringe/bangs-free and although it is definitely a lot easier to maintain (no need to manage stray bits flying everywhere), it makes me look much older than I am especially coupled with my already curly hair. So I’ve decided that bangs are the way to go and it’s tricky because it’s hard to find one that works with my face shape. Thus, I did my research and decided to try out the “La coco” boutique salon in Orchard Central after a morning’s worth of research. I’ve never really had a fixed hairstylist before and most of my previous haircuts were either with my mom or during my perm jobs (yes, I rarely cut my hair!) so it’s going to be exciting to see if they live up to all the good reviews and do a good cut for my hair. It is a korean-owned beauty salon and thus, I’m definitely going to be bringing kpop-inspired bangs pictures for them to reference during the haircut (inner kpop fangirling re-emerging for once!) and reviews online have mentioned that they are quite knowledgeable about current hair trends in korea. I’m definitely one of the least trendy people I know, so I’m not too sure if I want to take any chances with my hair even though it will eventually grow out. So we’ll see how that goes and if they are going to be able to convince me and my weak mind to go for something special. They also have a student price for haircuts ranging from $42-$60 so that’s another plus-point since I’m not inclined to spend a fortune on my haircut. I scheduled it on next wednesday so that’s something I’m really looking forward to! 😀 

Also next week has a jam-packed schedule since I’ve pretty much things to get done every single day but the best part is that I get to play with my makeup collection again! Whoo hoo~ Every year before finals I go on a makeup exodus and abstain from all beauty-related products until the dreaded papers are over, and that makes playing with them again all the more exciting! (I really need to expand my vocabulary…)

Enough jabbering, it’s time to go back to my revision for my Singapore Foreign Policy module. It is definitely a tricky and content-heavy module since SFP is such a comprehensive and multi-faceted topic! But it is also one of the modules that I have really been enjoying this semester and even kept up with most of the readings (which feel like history books really!) but I do not see how I will be able to crank out 2 essays in 2 hours with the lack of practice since all my other papers were not that essay-heavy this sem. I do however, regret neglecting keeping up with current affairs and the newspaper for the past couple of weeks when deadlines came in and also how inconvenient it is to read from my baby computer. That’s something else to improve on in summer.

Gosh I have such big plans for summer 2013 that I better not spend it bumming around like last summer! Gonna leave with another hilarious post that I can’t stop watching – check out the poor bear and lion cub one. I feel like I’m the bear a lot of the time… Which reminds me of yesterday’s dream which was incredibly exciting and mom woke me up at a very intense part when we were trying to wrestle with a massive crocodile. My subconscious is at the best of times, ridiculously dumb and a massive risk-junkie. We were obviously trying to escape/survive in some almost-post-apocalyptic world (thanks to watching THG “catching fire” trailer before bed) and sneaking around in the jungle, which was located near HDBs in Singapore apparently, when we were walking on this path next to a small stream which turned into a longkang and suddenly, enormous crocodiles started swimming past us. When I saw enormous I don’t mean like ooh 7m in length, big… but rather GIGANTIC T-REX DINOSAUR-ERA MASSIVE MOFOS! LIKE THEIR EYEBALLS ALONG WERE ALMOST AS BIG AS ME SO YOU CAN IMAGINE HOW FREAKING GIGANTIC THEIR MOUTHS AND TEETH WERE?! HOLY MOLY BALONEY! I don’t even know why we continued walking on the path, obviously to our doom since the crocodiles don’t act like normal crocodiles and ignore us but decided to snack on my friend! thus, a struggle for her bottom torso ensued and I think that was when I woke up, which is also a good thing since I didn’t have to dream that her bottom half of the body getting snapped off and eaten. Also I was apparently strong enough to play tug-of-war with dinosaur-size crocs! Moral of the story: see any meat-eating creature bigger than you, RUN FOR YOUR LIFE AND BOTTOM TORSO! #truestory 

17 animals that don’t even know what happened to them: http://www.buzzfeed.com/lyapalater/17-animals-that-dont-even-know-what-just-happened-to-them

Till next time, 

you better run run run run run (sweets for those who get the hidden reference;])


Quick update: Life lessons

Just a quick post to share an enlightening article that has incredibly good and relevant lessons for us all! 

30 Things to stop doing to yourself: http://www.marcandangel.com/2011/12/11/30-things-to-stop-doing-to-yourself/


Till next time,


How to become a cat-lady

I’m only here because I have a paper in less than an hour, and I found this ridiculously cute link that I have to share that will definitely make you want to get 1287532657 cats so that you can try to make all of them sleep in weird positions. 

Ciao for now, or should I say, Meow~

The 25 Most Awkward Cat Sleeping Positions: http://www.buzzfeed.com/paws/awkward-cat-sleeping-positions